
#1 Fleet Management System

One Software for ...


FMS (Fleet Management System) is a fully-automated daily vehicle tracking system that gives you 24/7 visibility into your fleet. FMS provides real-time data to help you make informed business decisions, save money and improve efficiency. You can view comprehensive reports, schedule service appointments, and generate custom alerts for any vehicle or driver.

#1 Fleet Management System

Gain the insight you need to manage, monitor and grow your business.

With FMS, you can easily manage your fleet of vehicles from anywhere. It’s quick and easy to create reports on demand, analyze vehicle utilization and performance, send customized text messages to drivers, find nearby service centers, schedule appointments with your technicians or even add new vehicle records.


Work as a Team

The entire team can actively collaborate on fleet operations with unlimited users, flexible permissions, and features built around exception management.

Manage from anywhere

Handle any fleet-related task or surface critical data anytime, anywhere with intuitive web and smartphone apps designed for busy, distributed fleets.

Automate process

Automate your maintenance process from end to end through powerful operational workflows and data integrations. No more manual data entry.

Custom Dashboards

Create custom Dashboards to visualize data. Generate reports on demand. Export or Import data in multiple different formats.

Power House

Connect other applications/software to sync with FMS. Backup and visualize all data in one place. Modular, hence can attach as many plugins as you want.

Artificial Intelligence

With the help of AI, applications keep track of all kinds of vehicles. Keep you up to date with maintenance, damages or accidents, insurance, geo-tracking, and more.

Contact us

Contact us without wasting more time for improved digital accessibility. Questions? Email us at
